Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes

By Administrator

[OK] All 16384 slots covered. 因为redis的日志配置有问题,所有刚才的问题的原因找不到了… 这样咱们特意的干掉一组redis主从… 貌似根前面的问题不太一样.. ... [ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. oot@ubuntu:~# redis-cli -c -p 7000> set a a

[ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. 原因: 这个往往是由于主node移除了,但是并没有移除node上面的slot,从而导致了slot总数没有达到16384,其实也就是slots分布不正确。 [ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. - 程序园 [ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. 原因: 这个往往是由于主node移除了,但是并没有移除node上面的slot,从而导致了slot总数没有达到16384,其实也就是slots分布不正确。 所以在删除节点的时候一定要注意删除的是否是Master主节点。 [ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes ... [ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. redis集群开不起来,用redis-cli连接的时候出现如下错误: CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is down. redis错误 : Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes ... [ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. 原因: 这个往往是由于主node移除了,但是并没有移除node上面的slot,从而导致了slot总数没有达到16384,其实也就是slots分布不正确。

performance perspective, this means that CPU memory banks and/or PCIe slots are “local” to certain CPU sockets, and thus some pinning combinations are faster than others.

[Redis] redis-cluster issue ( ERR Slot 16011 is already ... You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Redis DB" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

The two commands are identical, they are symbolic links the back-end launcher command orterun. To see all options available to mpirun issue command

Downloads/redis-3.2.10/src/redis-trib.rb check ... >>> Send CLUSTER MEET to node to make it join the cluster. Redis DB - Cluster Fault Tolerance

How to Install and Configure a Redis Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04. Updated Friday, June 1, ... All nodes agree about slots configuration. >>> Check for open slots... >>> Check slots coverage... [OK] All 16384 slots covered. See all the current nodes connected to the cluster by using the redis-cli tool.

The following uncovered slots have no keys across the cluster: ./redis-trib.rb:410:in `fix_ slots_coverage': undefined method `keys' for # (NoMethodError)[ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. ** * Please fix your cluster problems before resharding. Redis [ERR] Nodes don’t agree about configuration!问题分析处理 查看集群状态是OK的 ~]$ redis-cli -p 7000 cluster info cluster_state:ok cluster_ slots_assigned:16384 cluster_slots_ok:16384 cluster_slots_pfail:0 cluster_ slots_fail:0 cluster_known_nodes:6 cluster_size:3 cluster_current_epoch:8 cluster_my_epoch:1[OK] All 16384 slots covered. Clustering of Redis on Ubuntu 14.04 And adds 2 more nodes 7009 and 7010 as spare replicas, that can be used in case of some masters remain without active slaves.Check slots coverage... [OK] All 16384 slots covered. Automatically selected master Connecting to node OK >>> Send... REDIS Cluster |

How to check Redis Cluster Status ? From command LIne

[ERR] Not all 16384 slots are covered by nodes. - CSDN博客 slots: (0 slots) master. 0additional replica(s). [OK] All nodes agree about slotsconfiguration.这个往往是由于主node移除了,但是并没有移除node上面的slot,从而导致了slot总数没有达到16384,其实也就是slots分布不正确。 所以在删除节点的时候一定要注意删除的是否是Master主节点。 How to fix the redis cluster state, after a master and... - Stack…